JHU strongly encourages the use of electronic banking platforms for balance reporting and payment initiation, wherever feasible. JHU and Jhpiego employees are prohibited from communicating directly with the bank to establish this service. The Treasurer’s Office will coordinate the use of all electronic banking platform set-ups for new and existing bank accounts
Mandatory System Requirement (PC)
Installation of antivirus security software
Compliance Requirement – User Recertification
JHU Treasury will perform an annual user recertification to ensure that persons whom have been given access to authorize transactions are authorized signatories on the bank account.
Internet Banking Security
What you should know
The incidents of Malware (malicious software) targeting people who use Internet Banking websites is dramatically increasing. These malicious programs infect personal computers (PC) and act fraudulently when the person using the PC visits an Internet Banking website.
How do you protect yourself?
- Be aware of any unusual changes to your login screen or login procedure when you use Internet Banking (e.g. a change in font or an additional step in your normal login process, requests for user account information and token numbers, or difficulty in accessing your accounts).
- Keep antivirus security software up to date and scan your computer regularly.
- Regularly download the latest updates to your operating system (e.g. Windows).
- Download updates to browser and browser plug-ins regularly.
Payment Initiation Guidelines
Due to the immediate nature of processing payments electronically, please adhere to the following guidelines:
- Review/reconcile all transactions before close of business day.
- Keep Vasco tokens (security device issued by the bank) in a secure location.
- Password protection (do not reveal your user name and password to anyone).
System role of users
- Authorizer – Must be an authorized signer of the bank account. This individual can authorize/release payments. The authorizer is responsible for validating by signature, the printed daily transaction report that effects all payments released to the bank. Any discrepancies found upon review, must be reported to the bank immediately and then to the Treasurer’s Office.
- Initiator – In-country representative. This individual can input payments for release.
Please note: Authorizers cannot obtain initiator capabilities